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Roommate Matching Software Gains Popularity¹
"Platforms that allow students the option to match with a roommate are in demand as young adults look to take more control over their health, lifestyle and overall college experience."
The article explores how roommate matching software is a way to personalize, customize, and add value to the student living experience. Additionally, how taking ownership over one's living situation has become more important than ever thanks to the pandemic and how roommate matching software can alleviate stresses that come with living with a stranger.
RoomSync's successful partnership with American Campus Communities is highlighted as evidence that students are happy to be in control of the roommate selection process. "4,935 residents indicated during the 2021 leasing period that their decision to choose an ACC property was positively impacted by the option to use RoomSync."
The article also discusses best practices in deploying roommate matching software, the benefits of offering self-selection, and the added advantages of using a third-party matching platform, like reduced fair housing liability.
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¹ Nellie Day. "Roommate Matching Software Gains Popularity." Student Housing Business, May/June 2022